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Colomera Solar Park

A BayWa r.e. Project

Committed to local development in Granada

Colomera is a 45.45 MWp photovoltaic project located in Granada, Spain, being the third project we develop in the region. 

With a total area of about 55 hectares, consists of two photovoltaic plants: Colomera and Picos IV

Total output45.45 MWp
ConectionSET Caparacena 132 kV
ModulesJinko 565W Bifacial
InvertersHuawei SUN2000 String Inverters
Output53.5 GWh
Surface 55 ha
CO2 emissions avoided per year8,100 tons of CO2

Can supply electricity to 13,000 households

In its first year of full production, the solar farm is expected to generate approximately 53.5 GWh of solar energy, which will be equivalent to annual savings of more than 8,100 tons of COper year.

Colomera was sold to the L&G NTR Clean Power fund. The fund is managed by Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM), a global asset manager, and NTR, a leading renewable energy specialist.

Part of a PPA with Huhtamaki

The project is part of a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Huhtamaki, a global packaging company, with paper and molded fiber solutions.

The agreement consists of the sale of 75% of the energy generated at the plants for 10 years.

Glocal approach: Global Experience and Local Action 

To continue driving the energy transition in Spain, we have a dedicated team of more than 220 professionals in the country.

We have already installed over 500 MW of renewable energy capacity and currently have more than 2 GW in our wind and solar project pipeline.

In addition we rely on the expertise and financial stregth of our parent company BayWa r.e. that has over 30 years of experience in the development of wind and solar energy projects around the world.

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