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Navigating Together towards Sustainability

Our collaboration with Unai Basurko and his school of sailing Pakea

At BayWa r.e., we are aware that sustainability is a global task and we still have a long way to go. That is why we have decided to join forces and embark together on a collaboration with Pakea sailing school

At BayWa r.e. and Pakea, we are driven by sustainability and the environment, and together, we embark on an adventure along the Basque coast in order to achieve a cleaner and greener environment.

What is Pakea?

In Basque, "Pakea" means peace, and this principle drives each of its activities. Since its inception, its founder, Unai Basurko, has established the sea and oceans as its primary link, recognizing their importance and fragility.

Pakea's activities are organized around three main pillars:

  • On-board training: for companies and individuals alike. On board their vessels, participants are immersed in unique experiences that combine learning, adventure, and a deep connection with the marine environment. In addition, they offer activities that encourage the strengthening of teams within any company.
  • Advising on global projects: With a strong commitment to sustainability and ocean protection in mind, Pakea collaborates and advises on projects globally.
  • Development of educational and environmental awareness projects: from creation to execution, Pakea works tirelessly on educational projects aimed at raising awareness in society about the importance of taking care of our oceans.

Our values are clear: teamwork, solidarity and respect for our environment. These are fundamental pillars that every crew must share and embrace.

Unai Basurko, director and captain of Pakea

Sea starlight: a project included in the Next Generation funds

Sea Starlight is a program that not only allows you to explore the vast cosmos from the deck of a ship, but also integrates marine biodiversity into the educational experience, promoting a deeper understanding of our natural environment.

The project arises from the Starlight Foundation, which grants accreditations to organizations with extensive experience in creating, managing or supporting nautical tourism experiences. Currently, Sea Starlight has the participation of 10 nautical companies from all over Spain, among which are Pakea and Unai Basurko as representatives in the Basque Country.

In addition, through the use of advanced technology such as 3D glasses, this project strives to bring the experience of observing the skies and navigation to less accessible segments of the population, such as hospitals and the elderly.

This initiative is subsidized with funds from the Next Generation program, framed in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience plan included in “Experiencias Turismo España” project of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of Spain.

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